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Saturday, 10 August 2013

Annoying stylist experience

Usually I try to get small trims every 3 months. It keeps my ends feeling smooth and happy.
But I haven’t had a trim since… May? Gosh, has it really been this long? Yikes. How strange that my ends still feel good.
I guess the benign neglect routine has been good for my hair: CO wash when needed, otherwise daily WO and putting it up with some leave in-conditioner. I’ve been good with spraying it with SPF products too.
But yesterday I had a bit of time and decided to go for a trim. I went to a drop in-place a work buddy mentioned.
I explained what I wanted: A trim of 3-4 cm. She nodded and seemed reasonable enough.
Then I took my bun down. I swear I saw stars in her eyes. She started eagerly talking about all the things she should do to my hair: Semi-permanent dye, bangs, layers, I think I even heard something about a perm in there in the mass of words.
Pretty much she wanted to change every single thing about my hair.
It’s not actually the first time I encountered someone who wanted to change everything about my hair, but this woman really got on my nerves.
Usually when people talk about what you “should” get done to your hair they hide under the intention of it being more flattering for you, or cut back for health. Of course with total disregard to how much time and product you feel like spending on a certain style.
(Funnily the maximum hair length you can carry “for healthy ends!” is always the longest the other person has ever had. Ever notice that? And what would “Be the most flattering for you!” is always closely resembling what the other person has, no matter your differences in figure, face shape or even colours. Odd, isn’t it?)
This woman just seemed like she wanted to change everything just because she could.
I left without letting her touch my hair.

Back to benign neglect it is.