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Friday, 23 August 2019

Today's hair

Weird how much better a five stranded braid holds up compared to the seven stranded?
I mean, I did smooth some flyaways down this morning, but still...

Thursday, 22 August 2019

Today's hair

Five stranded braid without trying anything fancy with "layers". I could still need some practice at keeping the extra strands separated! And I actually bothered to braid the five strands all the way down, yay.

Monday, 19 August 2019

Today's hair

First of all: The five stranded double buns got massive. The five stranded braid has a way to flatten a bun a lot more than a normal three stranded braid, so these got big and flat. I like!

Second: The five stranded braid that was started as a three stranded braid and then added another two strands into for the next layer, worked perfectly fine as a bun base. It's not pretty when you can see the three-to-five transition, but as a base it worked perfectly.
Weird that the seven stranded braid from the other day got so messed up? Do the last two strands make that big a difference? Or is it because I'm not used to braiding seven and that messed it up?

Sunday, 18 August 2019

Today's hair

Played around with starting a five stranded braid by first making three strands and then adding in another two in the next layer. I liked the result, but tomorrow will show how it works for a bun-base.