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Saturday, 24 October 2020

Idiot hair

The sharp morning light on my commute was perfect for highlighting how coarse my hair really is.

Some times, regrowth sticks out with no regards for gravity. And this is why growing it out to begin with was such a pain in my shapely ass.

A perfect meatspace example of idiot hair, really. Heh.

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Today's hair


I needed to practice my five stranded braid, so today's updo is a five stranded Dutch braid turned into a Nautilus bun.

It's funny how the flatness of the five stranded braid really helps with the nautilus bun.

It doesn't get that weird "inner coils spilling out" effect like the three stranded braid has.

Sunday, 18 October 2020



And yep, I have never thought of this, but this is exactly what it says on my hair products!
Can't unsee.

(For those not familiar with the flags: USA far left, next is Denmark, Norway and finally Sweden on the far right)