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Friday, 29 January 2021

Weight of hair

Today on "Weird things you find yourself wondering about": How much does my hair actually weigh?
Since my hair haven't been near water since yesterday, I thought it was a good time to check. I'm guessing it grows way, way heavier with any moisture exposure.

And the answer is: 172-175 grams. 
Or 6.067- 6.172 ounces. 
I actually thought my calf length hair would be heavier?

(And yes, I felt a bit silly. Can you tell?)

Tuesday, 26 January 2021

Blog aniversary

On January 26th 2011 I put the first blog post up on this blog space. Wow.
10 years!
Time flies!
I blogged pretty much since I first found LHC back in... 2001? 
But this blog is on an independent platform, so it feels more like my own.