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Saturday, 19 June 2021

Today's hair

Two vertically stacked Nautilus buns for the gym today. Held well!

Friday, 18 June 2021

Today's hair

Heh, I did two vertically stacked five-stranded braids and thought they looked really awesome. So I wanted to take one of those instagrammable, cool pictures of it, only to have the light conditions refusing to cooperate. Oh well.

I got his cool shot instead:

I really do love the structure of the five-stranded braid!

Tuesday, 15 June 2021

Throwback Tuesday

Throwback Thursday Tuesday: "A blast from the past"

I loved this style so very much when my hair was short. For a while, between my hair reached flip length/shoulder length and until it reached below bra strap length, this was my only real option for properly putting my hair up.

The style is so very simple:
  1. Make a ponytail and secure it with elastics
  2. Then pull the end of a scarf through the elastic
  3. Wrap the main part of the scarf around the ponytail to cover it
  4. Wrap the scarf+hair around like making a regular cinnamon bun
  5.  Then tie the two ends of the scarf together to hold it up

I tried this style again today and fully expected it to slip, but it actually held well!
It must depend on how much friction the scarf offers, because a regular, unbraided cinnamon bun would slip like crazy for me. 
This is still a wonderful style, but for different reasons than it used to be. Now it's a good sun protecting style for the length instead of a way to force my short hair up in an updo.