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Thursday, 24 June 2021

Will probably take a little break

So for the last... dunno, to be honest, many years I have blogged at least every three days. 

Now I need to adjust that a little. I'm no longer studying and I'm no longer working from home, so I don't have the same time and access to a personal computer anymore.

Instead I have a workload of totally 56 hours/week, and *drumroll* we are moving!

We just signed the papers today and hope we can move in soon. Within two weeks with a little luck.

The hair is still there, being long. It's just me that will probably be pretty occupied mentally with the new apartment and the new job for a while.

Funnily, this is my 1500th post on my blog! 

Monday, 21 June 2021

Today's hair

The sunlight really highlighted the fuzz! Royal bun on two five-stranded braids. 

Sunday, 20 June 2021

Today's hair

Day two of the five-stranded braids and the fuzzies are beginning to show...

Challah bun made out of two braids.