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Current hair care routine

Hair routine, summer 2014

Current hair health challenge
None really. I have a full two months off with very little commitments.

Washing routine
I WO “wash”/rinse every morning in the shower. It’s too hot to not do so and too irritating to have stray hairs tumbling around during the day, so I need a fresh and fixed updo.
My washing routine is adjusted after Hubby’s work schedule and goes like this:
  • Tuesday: Nodosaurus (Deep conditioning of length)
  • Thursday: Smurf (CO wash)
  • Sunday: Nodosaurus (Deep conditioning of length)

Supplement routine
Going pretty heavy on the supplements at the moment
  • 2 different kinds of fibre supplements, adding up to 3 gram extra in my diet
  • 750 mg omega 3 supplement
  • A multi B vitamin for the inositol (Said to help with dermotillomania issues)
  • A random iron supplement from time to time during heavy flow-times
  • Amino acid supplement that adds 3 grams of selected amino acids to my diet
  • Continuing with the pro-biotic supplement
  • My trusty multi vitamin, multi mineral and herb-supplement Vitamun

Updos and styling
I plan on playing around with a lot more styles now that I have plenty of time for it. Hair will definitely go up though: So irritating with a thick braid sticking to your neck in the summer.

Leave in conditioner and oils
My trusty orange Sunsilk with some SPF mixed in. Also, whatever SPF hair product I happen to have around.

Trimming schedule
None planned, but I was hoping to get my mother to trim it for me during the summer.

Other and extras
I’m devoting a lot of time and energy now I have the option to experiment with skincare and bodycare as well.

Things to improve
Be sure not to overdo things! Benign neglect is the once and true king of haircare.

Hair routine, autumn 2013

Current hair health challenge
Lack of time and energy! Working way too much and having way too many projects right now.

Washing routine
CO wash 0-1 per week. Having long hair is too forgiving for greasy hair: Add a bit of shine product and no one is the wiser to just how greasy your hair is in that bun. 
 I'm not even sorry.

Supplement routine
My holy trinity of 
  • Vitamun multi vitamin and mineral
  • Fish oil
  • Fibre supplement

I started taking 3 new supplements: 
  • A green tea supplement hoping it will help me through the flu-season
  • An iron supplement for 1-2 days during my period when I feel absolutely deflated. I took iron supplements once before and I remember it helped my energy level
  • And a pro-biotic supplement since I’ve been getting some stress-stomach issues lately

Updos and styling
My hair has been stuck in braided nautiluses a lot. I keep thinking I should try something else, but I’m too tired to care in the mornings…

Leave in conditioner and oils
My trusty orange Sunsilk with L’Oreal extraordinary oil
Argan, avocado, coconut and hemp oil in my oil library at the moment

Trimming schedule
I haven’t had a real trim since… april? And I probably won’t get one until I meet up with Rockpaperscissorlizardspock some time in… December?
I’ve been pretty good with S&D though: The randomised kind where I snip all ends poking out of a braid.

Other and extras
I have lost a bit of weight which I don’t mind, but it does add to my worry that my diet isn’t too great and I’m not getting enough protein. I should devote more energy to my diet and sleep, but its quite hard to find the time for it.

Things to improve

Even though I’m very busy (And quite frankly stressed) I could do SexySmurfs or Nodosauruses when I come back from work, as long as I rinse them out before bedtime. I tried doing a Nodosaurus overnight but I just don’t have the energy to get up earlier to rinse properly, even if its just 5-10 minutes extra. 

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