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Thursday 14 March 2013

This and that

For years I have considered adding a hint of henna to my cassia treatment. Yesterday I was window-shopping on and noticed the chat function.
I decide to ask a few questions and who else but Little_Cherry is there answering my questions. The longhair circuit is small indeed!
Hubby’s comment was “You long haired people really are planning to take over the world, aren’t you?”.
Yes, yes we are.

In more annoying news, I was going to do a Nodosaurus and decided to shoot a video of how I do it, only to find that I absolutely cannot record any sound on my laptop. Seriously weird. The built in microphone doesn’t work and I can’t even tape sound from a headset. Truly weird.
Maybe it’s a sign that I shouldn’t bother, hah. Seems like the people who are really interested in haircare will find my blog and those who just wants to gawk at or perv on long hair can go find some other youtube channel. 

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