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Tuesday 14 October 2014

The henna project, day 10

Alright. Time to proceed with the indigo!
My idea is to have the indigo mix a little simpler and a little thicker since it will be used on the length only and will be easier to apply.

Getting stuff ready…
Indigo mix: Indigo, cassia, Tressemme Naturals Nourishing Moisture conditioner and water if needed.

It turned out that 5 gram of indigo add up to 20 ml, so it’s less dense then henna.
For a 1/10th test batch I will need 2 ml then.

Indigo test batch

  • 2 ml indigo
  • 10 gram cassia
  • 40 ml Tressemme Naturals Nourishing Moisture conditioner

Indigo cement!
The mixture turned out quite hard and dense so I added water: 6 ml in all.

It was still quite dense and hard, so I had to “massage” it around to get it into the test hairballs. The thick texture will be okay once I get to actually use it on my hair: I will use it for the length only so I should be able to distribute it well anyways.
“A” is for the strand test that was henna’ed with the argan oil mix.
I left the baggies for 3 hours before rinsing.

The reflection of the kitchen counter is quite irritating, but it feels good knowing I shouldn’t be able to stain the metal!

The indigo mix and hair turned into a little hard lump and it felt rather funny to rinse out. Loosening the cassia-indigo mix out with a conditioner before rinsing for real will definitely be the way to go! 

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