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Tuesday 21 October 2014

There and back again, now with more skin stuff

As I complained about previously, I can’t do my deep conditioning at the seminars anymore.
So I’m bringing this instead to treat the skin on my body instead:

  • Exfoliating Hello Kitty-gloves
  • A gold and pearl (lol) body cleanser
  • A light body essence toner (Was the only hit from the Hair & body 3 box, but I really do love that one!)
  • A rich body essence
  • A handful of serums that came for free with the Finco body products
  • A mist that was too heavy and sprayed too unevenly for the skin on my face
  • A fabric perfume to spray my stuff with since my pillow and stuff often ends up with that… summerhouse-y… smell from being in my locker for so long without being used.

I think I’ve done my best to continue my little “spoil myself” routine. 

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