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Wednesday 1 January 2020

Hello 2020!

Goals in no particular order
  • Keep working full time like I have the previous years
  • Pass two exams towards my next degree
  • Save money in stocks and pension
  • Renovate some things in our home
  • Self care with plenty of sleep
  • Be a good wifey. Even though I'm pretty busy, we prioritize to have date nights from time to time
  • Blog
Simple goals. I should be able to stick to this.

I also have a way less fun thing coming up in 2020, but I'll get into that in a few days....


  1. Wishing you + Mr Igor a great year in 2020.
    Good health above all else.
    And thanks for the beautiful blog!

    1. Thank you very much :) And a happy 2020 to you too!
