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Friday 10 July 2020

Braided log roll variation II

Okay, another thought on the braided log roll variation: What if I simply made two Dutch braids, pinned a stick up between them, pinned the two braids up and over the stick, and then "weaved" the two braids through the pinned braids?

And... I loved it!

This was super easy to create and it held really well.

Also it looked highly unusual and nothing like any other bun I have in my current updo rotation.

So I need a name for this. My suggestion is "woven log roll"  to play with the "braided log roll" buns name. What do you think?


  1. I think it's awesome! Well done.

  2. "My suggestion is "woven log roll" to play with the "braided log roll" buns name. What do you think?" - exactly.

    1. Hehe. The bun has been named!
      I have one more thing I want to try with this: I want to weave the braid lengths into the Dutch part itself, starting from the bottom, crossing like lacing a shoe and not using a stick. Not sure how that would work, but I'll give it a try some day.

  3. This is awesome! I like how it looks seriously complicated and also has a bit of a resemblance of Classics. It really looks like a fancy updo you see in period movies.

    1. Yes! I can totally see that! Combine it with some curly bangs and it's ready to go in a movie lol
      It looks a lot more complicated than it is, so I really like it XD
