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Thursday 16 July 2020

Trim and measure

Mr Igor trimmed my hair and helped me measure in for the first time in years: Around 152 cm or 59,8 inches.


  1. >150 cm >>> amazing.
    I know it's only a number...but a HUGE number!
    Be well.

  2. Wow, that's exactly my mother's height — yes, she's tiny! 😁 Well, I'm not tall myself, at 1,64m, but it is still a pretty impressive figure. My hair is around 76cm now, it's not the longest it has been and I'm not sure how much longer I'm going to let it grow... Some days I really want to reach classic, some others, I already think this is already too long to handle with a 1-year-old baby to care for. Choices...

    1. Lol that's funny XD
      Well, hair can always grow out and having to deal with a grabby-handed toddler can be a real challenge!

  3. Yep, you hair is exactly my height (I'm tiny).
    Your hubby did a great job, he handled your hair very gentle and carefully.

    1. Btw, I started following you on Insta two days ago, just so that you know it's me and not some creep, hahaha!

    2. Ah, thats you? I think I followed you back :D
