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Sunday, 30 January 2011

I’m a witch!

A kitchen witch that is. At least that’s what it feels like!
For years I have been perfectly happy using ready-bought products off the shelves (Usually whatever medium price range products that are on sale. My hair is not picky that way) and have marvelled at the kitchen witches. The people that can create anything for hair just from whatever stuff they have around the house, ironically from any other room than the bathroom
I was happy in my simple routine.
Then I tried oil again for the first time in like 5 years. No hairy freak-out. Interesting. So I tried again and my hair liked it.
I tried cassia and my hair liked it too. Granted my cassia mix is the simplest I have ever seen on LHC, but it still counts.
I systemised the cassia and the oil and my hair liked it too.
Now I have a bottle of apple cider vinegar with 3 teabags of chamomile tea dumped in it and a big label with “Do not drink! Bad hubby!” (After the Lemon Juice Incident I decided he can’t be trusted around unmarked bottles) Camomile infused apple cider vinegar ready to be tested soon!
I feel like a kitchen witch. I’m experimenting, at least it feels that way!

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