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Saturday, 11 June 2011

Q and A

Since it looks like you can’t post comments to Pages, any question to me can be posted as a comment here and I will paste the question and answer it in the Q and A page.

Let’s see if anyone has anything to ask me ;)


  1. Hi,
    I am very interessted in how your theory about the self-stabilizing Cinnamon Bun. I still have some trouble holding it with certain hairtoys, so I would be interested in the background of your theory, maybe then we can find a stable-cinnamon-funktion or something like that.
    Thank you for your answer

  2. Hi Teufelchen!
    What an awesome question to kick my silly little Q and A off with!
    I have added my thoughts on it to the Q and A.

  3. Hi Lady Igor,

    I just read your article and although I am at TBL and have taper, due to growing out chemical dye I have very much the same observations.

    From Physics point of few, first thing is gravity that plays a role, on all parts it is acting towards the ground. Pulling the hair below the center to downwards and pushing the hair above the center towards the center. Therefore the best position for the ends should be between 7 and 11 o'clock for anti-clockwise buns and between 1 and 5 for clockwise ones. The next thing is friction. It works between individual strands as well as between the coils, as we are considering static friction, it should stabilize the bun. I guess here are less slippery hairs are an advantage. ;)
    Then there is tension. Which works against the twisting and coiling, trying to unravel it. Tension is the one you try to overcome with the hairtoy. This is more or less successful depending on the persons abilities and the hairtoy itself.
    My Cinnamon stays with a Ficcare only at the moment and I have TBL and 8 cm circumference with lots of taper below waist. Another one that holds is my 7 prong Baerreis Cygnus all other toys fail to hold it for more than 5 minutes.
    I guess the easiest would be to try to get more values for stable cinnamon buns (length, circumference, hari type) plot them in 3D and identify the plane they are lying on, if there is such a correlation it should be straight forward to find it by ploting the values.

    Thank you for your detailed answer.

  4. Hello!
    I was poking around on uTT and saw that you say that your hair is course and that it doesn't like oil or too much protein. I thought almost all hair loved oil. I have M on the crown of my head and C at the nape of my neck so I guess the would mean I should use more oil on the top of my head then on the nape of my neck?

  5. Hi Elena!
    I have added my thoughts on it to the Q and A.

  6. Thank you so much. I've been trying to go by the "If it works for you, don’t stop doing it." rule but sometimes I just can't tell. Things are kind of stressful right now so I can't tell if it is helping or not. But I'll start trying to do some heavy oiling and see if I it helps. I hope in about a month to learn from your example and post hair schedule in my house so I can keep on track. I will also say it is sometime very hard to sift through ALL the info on the forums and it's nice to know I can also ask questions here. Thank you again! :D

  7. Hello Igor :)

    You have an awesome blog. It's so informative and I like it very much. I also need to thank you - you have helped me in determining the right sizes for Flexi8 clips :) (We have similar hair types.)

    Right now, I find that L and XL Flexis work for my classic length hair. I'm still experimenting with them, though. But I'm curious about Mega Flexis. May I ask... what is your opinion on them? Is there a big difference between a Mega and an XL, in terms of styles you can do and overall comfort? And at which length have you started employing Mega Flexis?

    Thanks in advance :)

  8. Hi Ohtawen,
    Aw thank you for the sweet compliment! I added my thoughts to the Q&A

  9. Thank you so much for the reply, Igor :)

    I'm still getting used to Flexis, and I have discovered styles where they work great. The L is great for folding braids up, I agree. I can even secure a Lazy wrap bun with it, which is a bonus.
    And the XL is working for a lot of updos currently, so I will put off getting a Mega for now. I'm not even sure if I will grow longer than classic... I certainly have less hair than you - your magnificent length sure does require a Mega :)
