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Monday, 29 August 2011

Sunday the 18th of august

(Well, it will be Monday before I finish typing this up)
I kept my hair in the (increasingly messy) 5-stranded braid for 2½ days. It was getting pretty greasy too, so… time to wash. I found a big bottle of V05 in a supermarket some time ago (At Willy’s for any interested Swede reading this)
V05 is pretty famous in the “hair circuit” for being great for CO washing and it didn’t disappoint this time either. Unfortunately I didn’t have the sense to pick up more than one bottle when we were there. I will have to make hubby go there with me… It’s for my hair!
Saturday was supposed to be cholesterol-day according to the hair-health schedule I made some time ago and barely followed since. Well, today I’m following it. Almost. Close enough anyways.
After cleaning the scalp, I wrapped it up in an Ankylosaurus with 2/3rd cholesterol treatment and 1/3rd Frank Provost expert repair. I plan to go to sleep after having posted this and let the length soak the conditioners up over night.
My hair will probably be severely irritated after such a deep treatment so I will go for a simple 3 stranded braid tomorrow instead of further training.

1 comment:

  1. Don't you find your scalp gets sore keeping a braid in for so long? I can't leave mine in for longer than half a day.

    Some day I should try the CO washing method but I have a feeling my hair will be a grease slick ;)
