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Friday, 21 October 2011

Argh, no! Part II

My toenails have looked absolutely pathetic since I took the last, failed nail wraps off. Cracked, peeling and splitting in all directions. I have been wondering what to do to them and decided the best would be to cut them short, then apply “protective covering” and leave them alone for a month to grow out.
Today I cut them down as much as I could, filed them thoroughly and applied two undercoats before adding nail wraps.
My assumption was that the pink nail wraps failed so hard because I used hubby’s ancient hair dryer on them instead of the improvised towels and oven-combo I used for the leopard ones, so I spent a good 5 minutes with my feet inside the oven, resting on the oven mitts.
Hubby “coincidentally” stayed completely out of the kitchen for the time. I guess he realised any snickering would not be tolerated. Good boy.
Well, after the heating, I wanted to do the last, careful trimming.
I can see that they’re already “crinkled” at the edges and slipping upwards from the nail plate.
Well, I guess it’s a good thing I used the last of them and wont be tempted again?!
I still find it super weird that two colour options from the same brand and same line are still so completely different: The leopard ones were so amazingly easy to work with and the pink ones pretty much fail within a few minutes.
Meh. I think once they start peeling off, I will just cover the nail with a white polish or maybe pink to go with the leftover wraps on the other toes.


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