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Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Spammers gonna spam

Another little look behind the scenes...

From my spam-folder:

On the L-cystine and L-tyrosine post:

“I like exploring the experience and knowledge of your exact contemporary. Thanks for sharing information.”

“Great Information and post! It is very informative and suggestible for the user of solar energy, May I think it can be beneficial in coming days...”

“Nice blog, its great article informative post, thanks for sharing it. Thanks for the information!”
 On The (in)famous biotin rant:

“Nice post, great detail. I would have liked to see the costs that are associated to it so I could add to my business case justifi cations to use the technology. Keep up the good work! Great Job!!! Informative and attention keeping!”

“Great Information and post! It is very informative and suggestible for the user of solar energy, May I think it can be beneficial in coming days...”

“Biotin is a water-soluble Vitamin B. Biotin support hair growth naturally. Herbs-Wholesale carries wide range of Biotin Products Like Biotin Conditioner, Biotin Shampoo and Biotin Supplements on Bulk Discount Offer.”
All these posts are from the same (seriously stupid) wholesale herb place. Even with the irony of them spamming their biotin-products on the biotin-post, I have a hard time not focussing on the extremely broken English that sounds like it has been run through some crappy translator. Some of the comments don’t even make any sense!


  1. The spam is almost amusing, isn't it? I love the ones who try to make it sound like they're a "real" reply by arguing with you, but it's in such a general way that they could post it on almost every blog. Then there was the one that claimed I should spellcheck my blog, when theirs was in that "how many times did you run that through Google Translate" style?

