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Monday, 12 December 2011

The comb search goes on

It’s been a week since I emailed Creative combs about their failure of a website and inability to ship an order. They haven’t responded at all, so I’m going to order combs from the place that Forgetful recommended: Hairsense.

Even though my intension was to order combs, I find myself tempted by

A massage brush. Would this be useful for washing maybe?

And the natural bristle brushes. I never owned a real quality brush and the natural bristle brushes always seem to be highly praised.

I like the looks of this handle rake, but it's really big. Almost the size of my Ric the Combmaker comb that feels huge, almost unmanageable.

This one is slightly smaller and looks more handy.

And this super detangle rake is even larger than the Ric-comb! It looks like it could be a useful one for shower-purposes and distributing conditioners.

This handle rake and this detangler would be useful as a comb for putting my hair up.

This one would maybe work well to be used in the shower for distributing conditioner. Or would it be too wide-toothed to work at all? Does anyone have experience with the super wide-toothed combs? I think I’ll put a thread up on UTT asking for experiences…


  1. I am parting with one of the combs you quoted (2nd from bottom), so if you want it, just PM me.

    I could send you a Tangle Teezer with it as well, if you let me know before Wed.

    But as I have nowhere near as much hair as you have, I can't tell if they would work, but I use my old one on horse hair and it detangles perfectly. (Don't get me wrong, I don't want to say you have horse hair, it is beautiful and way more silky for sure, just want to point out that if it works on horse hair it might be working on your hair as well.)

  2. I have tried the 'super detangle rake' which Nightshade used to call the Viking Boat Oar. It's massive. But then so is your hair ;)
    I didnt feel it did much for me and went back to my regular Crabtree and Evelyn rake. Which sadly has no handle.

    I have 3 Tangle Teezers and I love them :)

    By the way I sent an LHC member your blog address today as she was talking about you having 'asked to close your account'. I set her straight by PM and gave her the blog address. She then said your account says 'account closed', not 'account closed by member request', and said she was sorry she was wrong. She also said your posts were really nice and she remembers you. Her name is Lianna and she's been on LHC for about 2 yrs I think.

    Hope you're OK

  3. Teufelchen: Sending you a PM! I’m very, very interested in both! I have considered ordering a Tangleteezer before, but it seemed to have some very mixed reviews, at least for non-fine hair and that made me feel unsure about placing an order.

    Loviatar: *Chuckle* I took a ruler out to compare to my old, large Rics comb and was pretty shocked to find it would be larger! That is one HUGE comb.
    Thanks for letting Lianna know :) I actually DO remember her. She had some really good and intelligent posts.
    I think it really speaks volumes about the LHC mods that they stamp banned members with “Account closed by member request” instead of the truth that they were banned and at most given a “nice” PM about them having their account closed in 24 hours. Guess even the LHC mods with their shocking lack of self awareness realise its not good having so many valuable members stamped with *banned* that they needed to hide how many they have actually booted off the site?

  4. Hi Lady Igor I love all Hairsense combs. I love the Viking Boat comb and also like the last rake comb. Both are great combs for curly or wavy hair and thick hair. The feel is not heavy at all and weights lighter then my Rick Comb and I have a small comb with handle. Also I have arthritis in my hands and they are still easy to hold.HTH

  5. I have a natural bristle brush. When my hair was shorter I'd use it to smooth my hair and bring the natural oils down the length. It doesn't work for that anymore xD

    Now I use it when I oil my hair, to help distribute it (like I do with a comb to spread conditioner) I also use it to scratch my scalp and to loosen flakes.
