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Sunday, 23 December 2012

11 years hairniversary

Hubby thought it was a good idea to take the pictures outside so we had to rush a bit to catch the little bit of daylight we got.  
As you can see, it was pretty windy!

Then we got too cold and went indoors. But by then, the light had gotten pretty bad, so this is the best we could do.

Happy anniversary to me! 


  1. Beautiful! I actually love the ones where your hair is blowing in the wind. And your hair color is lovely. I am just past APL, but I would love to have hair like yours one day. :) Maybe in 11 years or so! Haha!

  2. Just wanted to say, I secretly admire your hair. My hair is a few months from knee yet. You are my inspiration.

  3. Happy anniversary! Your hair got some length since the last photos you posted. Congrats!

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