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Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Fishtail variation

For Darkhorse ;)


  1. I like this much better than a fishtail bun. It looks much simpler and less messy than mine always end up. Thanks, Igor!

  2. Thank you SO MUCH!!!! I see what I was doing wrong--I thought you did a five strand braid with the braids, not just adding it on. This makes far more sense and I will try this this afternoon!! don't think I could put a helmet over that braid, but I can definitely put a baseball hat over when I teach. Thanks Igor--truly a beautiful person--inside and out :D

  3. gossamer:Thank you :) I do like this variation because it’s so easy to make and keep the strands separated
    Darkhorse: Really happy you found it useful! I actually thought you could fit a helmet over it, but I guess not :) I hope it works for you!

  4. Beautiful work, your styles are fantastic!

  5. Igor--it's possible I could fit a helmet over that--it's hard to know until I try the style---my problem isn't my own helmet, but more if I use this style and have to ride a client's horse and use their helmet. I have a lot of hair ;) Many of my clients have small heads :D

  6. Igor--is this also the method you used for the beavertail in the past post?

  7. Thanks for that video. Do you have any tips for dividing hair in 5 equal strands?

  8. Darkhorse: Haha, yea I see the problem! “Good thing” I don’t ride anymore, I wouldn’t know what to do with my hair vs. the helmet… And yea, the beavertail was how I got the idea. First I shot the video with the normal 5 stranded braid and when I saw it was impossible to make out the details, I decided to do one the beavertail way and it showed up so perfectly nice and clear :)

    Olga-Freya: Not other than doing 3 strands above your ears and 2 below like I demonstrated, no.

  9. I liked the braid- and I thought those 3 buns were cute. Have you ever tried to buns like Princess Leia. And your hair is quite nice.

  10. Beautyful braid! Thank's for the video. I had to try this in my own. You can see the results here. I backlinked your blog for reference. :)

  11. Heike, wow, WOW! That is so pretty <3 I really like your hair and the effect the braid has in it!
    Thank you for the link too. I really like your blog! You are so creative! Wish I had the patience to create the kind of picture posts you have :)

    1. Thank you. :) I am a graphic designer. Therefore my blog and my pictures never look good enough in my eyes but I do what I can. :)
