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Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Public service announcement

Since late January this year, I have kept a “buffer” of posts queued up and ready to post. It has allowed me to keep a steady output of posts while in reality my urge to blog and what I have found to blog about have come and gone.
However, at this time I may be without a private internet connection for a while. I don’t know when my new one will be working. I may go to the public library to post, but it is not the same.
So if you’re reading this, it means my internet connection is late and I haven’t been to the library to cancel this scheduled announcement.
So please stand by. I will be back to blogging sooner or later.


  1. I love your blog, enjoy all your ideas, thank you for your diligence, and can't wait until you are back!

  2. No worries Igor---we'll still be here when you come back--enjoy life and doing stuff outside of the computer :D

  3. Hope it doesn't take too long. My feet get tired and achy if I have to stand around for hours on end, ha ha. We'll be waiting, you know we will. In the meanwhile, we can re-read our favorite posts! :)

  4. You're right, it is SO not the same at the public library. But I'll be eagerly awaiting your posts! In the meantime, may your hair keep growing long and healthy! Haha.

  5. Rockpaperscissorlizardspock23 May 2013 at 08:55

    ok I officially miss you, please come back

  6. I'm missing you too.
    Come back, Igor ... Please?

  7. Hope you are doing well Igor.
    Hope to read you again soon. Missing you.

  8. Hmm, longing for a new post! :)

  9. Rockpaperscissorlizardspock16 June 2013 at 12:29

    Um, you alive?

  10. Please come back?
