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Monday, 14 April 2014

New Flexies

I took my chances to order some new Flexies. A fairly complicated order and I had my worries about how they would manage, but it worked well.
This time I ordered from instead of the Flexi homesite.

Left row, top to bottom, all megaflexies:

  • Tree of life
  • Soaring butterfly purple iris (This one is seriously hard to photograph!)
  • Blossom drops
Right row, top to bottom, all extra large:

  • Night owls, one mounted for left-handed and one for right-handed so I can use them for double buns (These are also seriously hard to photograph!)
  • Dream catchers, also with one for left and one for right

I was impressed they got the details right, but the downside was that they got me in imports!


  1. Oh I love those with the owls! They are gorgeous. And the one on the bottom with the dangles and black beads has been on my wishlist for so long ♥
    Seems like you have a great collection :D

  2. Oh, please note that your address is very readable on the picture. You don't know what kind of people get to see this, please be careful!!

  3. Ooo, so many gorgeous flexi-8s! I love the beadwork on the Owl flexis :)

  4. The owls are awesome! I think the Flexies are a hit or miss-thing, but these owls are definitely beautiful. One of the top Flexi-models in my opinion for sure!
    I noticed the address being readable, but since it was only a temporary base for work, I figured I couldn’t be bothered to censor it ^^

  5. I love the pearls with the tree of life--I have a mini flexi for half up dos. Love that one!!

  6. dear igorbeltower i was wondering can the product horse shampoo make a person with dirty dish blond hair grow

  7. That is a nice looking collection of flexi's! I like the idea of getting matching flexi's for double buns. It's making me think I should quit neglecting mine.
