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Thursday, 31 July 2014

Current obsessions

I generally try to keep my weird non-hair obsessions off my hair blog, but it has been really difficult after I found the Memebox. I received the Mask edition a while back and absolutely loved it!

One of the products (Sua Young Berristure) was a bit too heavy for my face, but I’ve been using it for the dry skin on my shins. Spreading the love for other parts of my skin!
Other products have been just so awesome! The funny little Purederm Vitamin C Facial Pads left me with the smoothest skin I think I have ever felt.

The Iope-box arrived and I've used the products for a few days. I had expected trouble since high-end products are usually full of pointless perfume and other crap just to make the product smell, feel and look good (Pure poison for my sensitive skin!) But there have been no problems at all. Quite the contrary actually: My skin has been glowing, happy and felt moisturized. 

On nights where Hubby works and I’m awake, I will substitute my routine that ends with me sleeping with a “naked” face with an Iope routine: After cleaning my face the usual way, I will use the Essential Skin Boosting Serum, Essential Face Oil, Eye Cream and Relief Cream.

But here is the funniest thing: The Iope Air Cushion XP natural #21 that came with the box is the perfect fit for my skin tone! Seriously perfect, the best matching foundation I have ever experienced. How strange is that? After so many years searching, it turns out my best matching foundation ever is a Korean superfoundation I randomly got with a skincare box! 

Looking forward to trying the Lip and Cheek compact.

(The boxes the products came in are so pretty in silver and dark blue that I have carefully put them back in instead of tossing them out. That is so not like me that I can’t figure out if it’s amusing or embarrassing.) 

I have two hair-obsessions firmly stuck in my head too. I want a good bang/wig piece: One that matches both my hair colour and the texture of my hair.

And I want to both henna and indigo. I want to do just the lightest of henna glosses. One that doesn’t require a ton of upkeep or risk of staining everything in the bathroom. One that just ever so gently makes the red tones in my hair a little more prominent.

Henna will also provide something for indigo to “grab” onto. I want to ever so slightly darken my ends. After over a decade of exposure to sunlight, they are noticeably (To me) lighter than my roots. Just the lightest of tints.

Last obsession of the day: An Anon gave me the versatile blogger award!
Will you please contact me at ladyigorsbelltower [at] I would like to know your name and if you have a blog I can refer to!

Gossamer at Gossycrafts gave me the Liebster Award some years back, which was awesome too!

Maybe I should use the Award-rules to answer some questions about myself instead of the rather dull “About me”-page?



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. That is so cool! Pretty products too!
    I nominate you for Beautiful Blogger Award and want you to answer the beauty blogger survey :)
    (No blog for me, sorry)

    How many times do you wash your face daily?
    What skin type do you have? 
    What is your current facial wash? 
    Do you exfoliate? 
    What brand do you use? 
    What moisturizer do you use? 
    Do you have freckles? 
    Do you use eye cream? 
    Do you or did you have acne prone skin? 
    Did you ever have to use Pro-activ? 

    What foundation do you use? 
    How about concealer? 
    Do you know your undertone color? 
    What do you think of fake eyelashes? 
    Did you know that you are suppose to change your mascara every 3 months?
    What brand of mascara do you use? 
    Sephora or MAC? 
    Do you have a MAC Pro-card? 
    What makeup tools do you use in make up application? 
    Do you use make-up base/primer for the eyes? 
    For the face?
    What is your favorite eyeshadow (color or shade)?
    Do you use pencil or liquid eyeliner? 
    How often do you poke your eyes with an eyeliner pencil? 
    What do you think of pigment eyeshadows?
    Do you use mineral makeup? 
    What is your favorite lipstick? 
    How about lipgloss? 
    What is your favorite blush to use? 

    Do you buy your makeup on ebay? 
    Do you like drugstore makeup? 
    Do you go to CCO's? (cosmetic company outlets) 
    Did you ever consider taking make-up classes?
    Are you clumsy in putting on makeup? 
    Name a makeup crime that you hate? 
    Do you like colorful shades of makeup? 
    Which celebrity always has great make up? 
    If you could leave the house using just ONE make up item, what would you use? 
    Could you ever leave the house without any makeup on? 
    Do you think you look good even without any makeup on?
    In your opinion, what is the BEST makeup line?
    What do you think of Makeup?

  3. That's really interesting to read about. I'm waiting for my first meme-box thanks to reading about it here (thank you!). I was thinking about getting the IOPE-box as well but decided against it for now. Would you mind telling a bit more about the products in it? It seems like you have box nb 2, have you tried nb 1 as well?
    Also, how would you characterize your skin tone? I'm also having a really hard time finding a foundation that fits and I'm curious as to whether this might work for me. (My skin tone is light/very light with neutral undertones.)

    1. Hi Maria!
      Oooh, how cool!! I’m really happy I could inspire you to try something new :) I have to admit I’m totally sold on the Memeboxes myself, haha.
      The Iope box 2 contains the same skincare products as box 1, but it comes with a lip and cheek stain/blusher and of course the Air Cushion.
      I tried the lip-cheek thing on my lips and it was pretty nice… Good stain and a nice pinkish red tone. And of course I already wrote about how awesome I think the air cushion is!
      My skin is very sensitive, so I was worried I would react to the products, but so far no problems.

      It comes with: Essential Skin Boosting Serum, Eye Cream, Relief Cream and Essential Face Oil.
      Essential Skin Boosting Serum: I really like this one. Light consistency that leaves just a nice glow behind. I’ve been using it several times a day (Slightly embarrassing, but yea, I do love it so much)
      Eye Cream: This one doesn’t really wow me. It’s an eye cream and it’s nice. I worried about any weird reactions, especially since it specifies that it’s a “tone&wrinkle” cream and wrinkle creams usually means my skin will flip out. (Too much harsh stuff in them to plump up the skin and erase the appearance of wrinkles)
      Relief Cream: Very nice and moisturising gel-like effect. Leaves a sort of silky effect.
      Essential Face Oil: Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s nice. But I also think my normal skin blend of 1:1 argan and hemp is just as good. But I guess that’s the problem of spending too much e-time around kitchen witches?
      Still, I like it all enough that I ordered a second Iope 2 box!

      My skin tone is very light with cool undertones. I almost always have to pick the lightest available foundation in any range… So far the best fit for me have been Lancômes Color Ideal in 01 and Lancômes teint idole ultra 010. Think they’re both called something along the lines of “Ivory” or “porcelain” or something.
      I think the problem with the super light foundations is that it easily ends up looking “dead” or “mask like” and I find you really *do* need to invest some money in a foundation to avoid this. I like my Lancôme, but I just find that the Iope air cushion is better… It has a more natural cover and leaves my skin with more “life” and doesn’t have that “covered” look or feel.
      It’s just so unbelievably freaky that a random superfoundation that came randomly picked with a Korean box is my best fitting foundation ever!

    2. Oh, and be sure to google for "reference only deals" before you buy something from the Memebox :) There are lots of bloggers that are affiliates and have links where you can get good discounts and memepoints back. Totally worth the time on google for the discounts!
