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Monday, 22 September 2014

Memebox #29 Scrub Box

Actually I received this box some time back, but I have been feeling that my Memebox posts are clogging up my blog.
I did after all start my blog to write about hair.
Although my hair care is highly routine based and doesn’t take up a lot of energy or time for me (And the resulting posts probably aren’t super stimulating), that was supposed to be the focus.
Honestly, it’s a blog-reading pet peeve of mine when someone can’t stay focussed on the intended focus of their blog. I mean, often the intended focus is the reason you clicked on it in the first place, right?

Lagging a bit behind on my Meme-review also gave me the chance to actually try the products in question.
In hind sight, maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea!

This box was sent to me missing the little product card. It turned out to be quite irritating. I never really realised just how dependent you are on those. I ended up having to Google for another blogger who received the box correctly packed, so I could double check what I received.

By the way, I’m thinking of joining the affiliate program. It means I will get a link with a built in discount for my readers and an additional monthly discount code that can be applied to it.
Of course there is a small bonus in it for me too, but think of it as supporting my hairy habits.

Anyways. On to the box.

Top row, left to right
Eglips JolieBeBe Lip Polish   
I guess this is different from a lip scrub because it is a moisturising treatment too?
This will probably go into my “potential gifts”-pile though. I never used one and I just run my exfoliation over my lips when I’m using one.

Pibugonggam G Facial Scrub
First thought: Holy crapping crap! This looks like the roughest facial scrub ever! Seriously. This looks like grainy, scrubbing hell for my skin!
But when I reluctantly squeezed some out, it turned out that what I thought was horribly sandpapery grains were actually fruit pulp! It felt more like marmalade: Thick, chunky consistency and a heavy fruity smell.
Since it wasn’t grainy at all, I used my Clarisonic with the soft, blue brush head to massage this in and was rewarded with super smooth and glowing skin. It felt super odd massaging the marmalade around on my face though. Truly bizarre sensation!
I think this is more of a chemical exfoliator that uses the natural fruit acid in the fruits to get rid of dead skin cells.
The absolutely bizarre texture aside, I quite like this one.

New Girl Fast Scalp Hair Root Up Ampoule
Yes! This is the reason I bought this box: A scalp scaling gel. Awesome!
I tried a scalp scaling gel for the first time ever some months back and it was instant love: It left my scalp feeling wonderfully clean and “airy”, but without the horrible tight and irritated feeling I always get from shampoo.
I will wait for a day where my scalp is quite dirty before using this little wonder.

Bottom row, left to right
insobeau Natural Base Cereal Peeling Mask
I was quite scrubbed out by the time I got to this one, so I decided to try it on my hands and follow with a good, heavy cream.
Good choice, because damn, this is both heavy in texture and effective!
They really weren’t kidding when they recommended using a foaming cleanser afterwards to get the leftovers off!
I suspect this is both a chemical peel and a mechanical exfoliator. Has a funny smell. Hubby says it reminded him of a spicy cake of some sort.
My hands are now super soft and smooth. But I can’t see myself using this on more sensitive areas like my face.

The Herb Story Foot Scrub Peppermint & Tea Tree  
A pretty straight forward foot scrub with a delightful scent. I like the scent and I like the effect it has, but this is really like most other foot scrubs.

Tosowoong Perfume Body Scrub Wash 
I didn’t expect too much of a scrub that is also a “wash” and I was right: It’s not a heavy scrub, but one you could probably use every day to wash your body.  
Has a funny scent: Sort of citrus-flower-herbal?

This was a very good box. It delivered what it promised and I will use all but a single one of the products. It has a good mix of inoffensive, “normal” products and some that will feel a bit more “experimental” for some. 

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