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Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Memebox Special #38 My mask box

Cool, another box without any paper stuffing.

Top left, outside box
Tosowoong Help Me Neck Patch
This is a bio cellulose neck mask for dry and sagging skin around the neck. I have started placing extra sheet masks down my neck/chest when doing facial masks, but a real, actual neck mask is new to me. I’m looking forward to try this! I received two, so yay.
Its kind of funny: When I first starting really caring for my hair, I started noticing when peoples hair desperately needed some love and attention, now where I have put an effort into my skin, I really notice when people have sad-looking skin. Some times it’s obvious that women don’t care for skin past their facial contours and the skin on their neck or chest (Depending on neckline) is miserable, wrinkly and parched.
I have the same “I don’t get it” reaction to that too. My benign neglect-routine for my hair is just as easy as most peoples “normal” routine, and extending your skin care regime to your neck and chest really, truly isn’t an extra hassle.
But I guess that’s the classic reaction when you care about something?
Anyways. TL;DR: Yay, a neck mask!

insobeau Beauty Secret Step Up Bust Mask
Hehe, this pack totally looks like Jessica Rabbit! Well, if it gets the girls to behave like hers, I won’t complain!

I wonder how many guys around my age got their first warm and tingly feeling in their stomach because of this character?
Bad jokes aside: This actually sounds very interesting. You put the mask on your boobies and can even sleep on it. I think I will do just that.

Top right, inside box
Purederm Wrinkle Reducer Gel Patches
Under-eye, anti wrinkle masks. 6 pairs, not bad. Strangely, these say you can also wear them overnight and that you should rinse off with water after use!
I wonder if these "work" because they keep the skin under your eyes from wrinkling up when you sleep? 
(I sleep on my sides and always wake up with this funny line under one eye, from the last side I slept on. Guess my cheek gets squished upwards or something? It disappears something like 10 minutes after I've been awake and upright. An overnight patch like this could probably keep it from happening.)

Milky Dress Aqua Sleeping Pack
I’ve never entirely understood the difference between night creams and sleeping packs. My skin responds well to not always sleeping with cream on, so this doesn’t entirely make me excited. Also, I feel like this isn’t exactly a “mask”, so yea, I’m a bit disappointed.

Elizavecca Green Piggy Collagen Jella Pack
A “jella pack” which I guess is just another sleep pack?
Hmm. Slightly annoyed at this. This isn’t really a “mask” in my book, you know?

Below box
Pro You Pore Control Facial Mask 
This is a cleansing pore mask. It contains aloe vera. Booh! I might give it a shot anyways though, since I don’t have a lot of cleansing masks.

Pure Smile Mask sheet
5 masks randomly selected from Mayu, Sake, Citron, Placenta, Pearl or Honey.
I received mine in honey, which I gotta say is probably the second least interesting possible option. Hmpf. I would have liked to try one of each more than a pack of 5 though.
Pure Smile is a brand a lot of bloggers complain about receiving in the boxes because it’s a cheap brand and some feel its just “filler”, but I really don’t mind.

The product information sheet

A sample of Milky Dress the white platinum whitening… cream?
I guess it’s a cream of some sort. In the back of the sample, it says to apply it “after base skin care”, but no hints to whether it’s an emulsion, essence, cream, sleep pack or anything.

I like the mix with under eye masks, neck masks, bust mask and regular masks.
But I’m disappointed in receiving not one, but two sleeping packs. Sleeping packs are not masks!

I want to see how many masks I can pile on in one go: Bust mask, lip mask, hand mask, foot mask, neck mask, nose mask, under eye mask, spot treatment masks? Stick a normal sheet mask on top of it too? lol


  1. rockpaperscissorlizardspock22 October 2014 at 20:58

    Hey! Ok now you have me oogling the membox site as well... may I ask how much of trouble you usually get with customs? I'm a bit afraid of racking up a huge bill and usually try to avoid this by ordering from EU sites as I'm really strapped for cash at the moment (...)

    1. After 15-20 boxes (Ouch!) I haven't been caught by customs yet. It's odd: The boxes are pretty big, especially the 3-packs but so far they haven't caused any problems for me :)

    2. rockpaperscissorlizardspock23 October 2014 at 15:33

      thank you so much! I'll be moving to Trondheim to pursue my PhD soon so something tells me i'll be in need of some heavy duty skincare!
      Speaking of which, if you still want to meet up, we'll have to do so before December since I'm moving :) (and it's ok if you don't)

    3. I definitely want to meet up :) (Although I'm a bit embarrassed that my Swedish isn't better than it is...)

    4. rockpaperscissorlizardspock27 October 2014 at 13:52

      meh no worries about the swedish, I prefer English anyway :) What are you doing tue or wednesday evening? I finish work at 16:30 and could meet you basically anywhere near Malmö C at around then if the time and place suits you :)

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