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Monday, 15 December 2014

Winter swap on UTT

As I already blogged about, there is a winter swap going on UTT.
Yesterday I received the package from my gifter. It turned out to be Morrigan, and funnily enough, just the reveal of who was gifting me was almost as surprising and amusing as the gift itself. 

 I had to include a shot of the outside of the box: All prettily wrapped up and with some pretty cool stamps on it.

 She wrapped everything up individually! It felt like Christmas unwrapping it all.
(And then I felt a bit bad not having put more of an effort into my own gift)

A cool calorimetry that she knitted herself. I don’t own one of these, so this will be really cool to try!

(Major envy of her skill here. I tried to learn to knit once and ended up ragequitting)
Different cool masks! Facial, hand and eye treatments.

Two very unique hairsticks. She wrote that the seller screwed up the length of the first one so I ended up getting two. Action shots will be made!
A conditioner I’m looking forward to try! Good size, good ingredient list for me.
Some very cool elastics. I’ve never seen any like these before.

And awww, stupid, rough mail service. The claw clip broke. Pout.

And a very sweet letter in the bottom of the box.

Thank you, Morrigan!

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