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Friday, 18 April 2014

Night owls

The new Night Owls in action

I’m probably the only one who will ever notice that the “sticks” are fitted to opposite sides, but I like it!

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Home is where the heart is

Or in my case: Where hubby is and my workload isn’t.
It’s good to be home.
And it’s good to have had a little time to do nothing in.
It’s been a long time where whenever I even had the time to blog, I just couldn’t be bothered.
I feel like my muse is back.

Comic from the always awesome Oglaf.

Monday, 14 April 2014

New Flexies

I took my chances to order some new Flexies. A fairly complicated order and I had my worries about how they would manage, but it worked well.
This time I ordered from instead of the Flexi homesite.

Left row, top to bottom, all megaflexies:

  • Tree of life
  • Soaring butterfly purple iris (This one is seriously hard to photograph!)
  • Blossom drops
Right row, top to bottom, all extra large:

  • Night owls, one mounted for left-handed and one for right-handed so I can use them for double buns (These are also seriously hard to photograph!)
  • Dream catchers, also with one for left and one for right

I was impressed they got the details right, but the downside was that they got me in imports!