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Saturday, 28 November 2015

Length shot

Post trim length shots. The light was kind of tricky (Stupid rainy weather kept any natural light useless), so we tried both my camera and my camera phone.
None of them got really very clear though.

Maybe I should maintain around here for a while?
It doesn't look like my hair really wants to leave the top calf region anyways.


  1. Quite perfect! To me it's always amazing to scroll down on a pic like this to waist length and then find that's no even the halfway length. My perception is that you're quite tall so while your hair is "only" knee length, on a short girl it would be near floor. Unfortunately I don't think nature adds a bonus to terminal length to account for height...??

    1. Hehe, thanks. Well, I'm 173 cm or 5´8" so how "tall" I am really depends on what region you're from! But it's true that I have a disadvantage with my height....

  2. It doesn't even look like the length changed in the trim ;) Looks good-how does it feel? Lighter? Heavier? The same? I always wondered about those clips---hard to know how they work unless you hold one I guess? Hubby did a good job!

    1. I agree :) It feels... Dunno, barely different? Just the ends that feel a little bit "fresher" and "cleaner". Barely noticeable I guess! I do wonder if there's a big difference to the creaclip. Should be the same system, right?

  3. Well Igor, I think that you have to get the length where you feel confortable. I hope you aren t going to cut a lot, but the important thing is seeing you happy!!

    1. Thank you :) I do think I will cut back some though... It was so much easier for me. It might be different if your hair type isn't coarse, but I think I will be happier at mid thigh :)
