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Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Christmas hair

I had the idea of braiding this glitter-garland thing into my hair for the Christmas party.
But I expected that it could be difficult and tangling my hair up, so I gave it a test shot.

It was a lot easier to braid in that I expected. But I think maybe this particular silvery glitter might be better for new years instead?

Something like a crown braid might be good with this!


  1. I love that! It looks so cool, but I too think it might be even better for New Year's Eve. I'm going to be my boring self and do what I always seem to do. Throw the mane up into something Cinnabun-ish.


  2. Wow it's gorgeous.
    Do have a blessed Christmas and wishes for a prosperous 2016.
    Who knows, maybe Santa (or some random wizard) will bring you floor length hair.

  3. OMG! I am SO doing this for my New Year's Eve lessons!!! Love, love, love this!!!
