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Sunday, 10 January 2016

New year's resolution

I've always considered new years resolutions to be really stupid.
They're the real life version of "liking" fuck cancer on Facebook and not donating your time or money to help those affected by it.
All talk and good intentions, no action.
And people usually forget about them about a week later.
If your resolution was something you actually wanted to change, you would have changed already and then it wouldn't be necessary to make a big fuss about it all ceremoniously, right?

Anyways. Since I've already done something about it, and it really is something I do want to change...
My new years resolution is that I want to lose weight.

I have a skinny build with small bones. I'm not supposed to carry a lot of weight. (Compare my wrists to Hubby's and they're about half the size of his!)
And since I met Hubby, I have gained something like 15 kg (33 pounds)

Talk about a relationship-gut!

Around the time I met Hubby I was around 53-54 kg.
It wasn't the skinniest I've been as an adult though, that was some months before where I had dipped under 52 kg.

It wasn't pretty on me. Under 55 kg and I have all these bones poking out in places.

55-57 is my preferred weight and what I have weighed most of my adult life.

Now? I'm at around 64 kg.

My highest ever was 68, which I hit some months ago. It was a real eyeopener. I suddenly hated my body. And I hated how I had let myself go like that. But I guess you are less likely to notice those things when you're all happy and loved-up?
And I decided it was time to do something about it. So I have.

I dont have any body check pictures, but let me show what I mean with some old braid pictures.

52 kg maybe? Right before I met hubby.
Too bony. You can see the bony outline of my shoulder blades.

57 kg maybe?
I have some padding, but still have a waist and defined hips. You can see the shoulder blade bones, but not defined.

67 kg maybe?
No definition around shoulders. No waist curve. Love handles.
Also, I'm fairly sure I'm sucking it all in here.

Also, I find it telling how I'm more or less undressed in the first two: Usually when I do my hair, I'm more or less naked. That way I don't risk spilling leave in-conditioner on my clothes. After fixing my hair if I needed to take a picture, I usually did it before bothering to fully dress. Now I make damn sure I have clothes on. That should have been a warning sign for me, really.

So. What am I going to do about it?

I can't change a lot about my work. It consists of sitting on my ass in front of a computer or sitting on my ass in a meeting (Where there is usually ample supply of caffeine and sugary treats)
I don't really enjoy exercising. Not at a gym anyways. I tried.
Yoga is awesome, but getting to a yoga place requires more time spent on transportation than what really works for me at this point. I need something easily more accessible. If it requires too much transportation first and it's something I don't "have to" do, I'm very likely to skip it.
I enjoy mountainbiking, but again, getting to a good trail takes a lot more time than I'd like.

If exercise takes too much time or effort before you have even begun, I just dont get it done.

So that pretty much leaves dieting.
Of course this is where the problem was originally. Hubby and I have gotten into a really bad habit of "deserving" treats. Really, the relationship-gut problem.

We really need to stop that. And since hubby is staying at home, we have no excuse for not eating healthy, homemade food.

So there you have it: My new years resolution. To eat better so I can get the body I used  to have back.


  1. Try Yoga with Adriene on YouTube. She's just...wonderful. Even if you dont believe yoga is possible or safe without an instruktor, try. I've been doing yoga with her videos for a year and it's all fine. All the teachers I have met in real life are sectarian and creepy, that is my reason for not going to classes. And it is perfectly possible.

  2. Try Yoga with Adriene on YouTube. She's just...wonderful. Even if you dont believe yoga is possible or safe without an instruktor, try. I've been doing yoga with her videos for a year and it's all fine. All the teachers I have met in real life are sectarian and creepy, that is my reason for not going to classes. And it is perfectly possible.

  3. I do to to a gym, but I don't always have time to go there. Via YouTube I came across BalletBeautiful, you can do it at home and despite looking so pretty, it's quite exhausting. You also don't need much equipment for it.
    But I agree with you, eating healthy,especially when one is at home, is very important! You and hubby might find some new and really tasty treats! That aren't too sugary, if course


  4. I am EXACTLY like you. I don't make resolutions on New Years-I change things when I notice it. And for me, my weight is on the top of the list. I was working out, but when Mom had her fourth surgery and subsequent hiccup in her recovery, I couldn't get to it. I got a new job and I'm lucky my job requires me to be standing, but that doesn't mean I'm burning calories. (maybe if I'm cold?) I also love yoga but can't find a place/teacher I like. I may try the suggestions here as I knew there was some good youtube yoga channels. However, diet will work. Just reduce 500 calories a day and you will lose a pound a week. Sounds easy right? Pfft. Yeah. I'm someone who reaches for sugar during stress. Pop--I won't drink the diet crap, so yep, pounds of crept onto my body over a 15 year span and it ain't pretty.

    Funny, your hair photos and the recent ones you posted, my first thought was 'wow, she looks so trim! She's lost weight!" hahhahah. Funny how everyone sees things differently. In reality, I've often said even the thinnest people will feel their own body change if they put on 5 pounds. I am large boned, broad shouldered and gain weight all over, so when I tell people what I weight, their eyes pop out in shock. I don't look what I weigh, but that doesnt' help. I want to lose weight to feel better and not be so tired, out of breath when I ride etc. So, we can be weight loss buddies! Hahawhahah.

  5. Here's my take...I think your shape at 67 kg is quite awesome. HOWEVER the next progression to say 77 kg would not be so attractive. And that's the challenge as we age. I was 66 kg when I started university and 75 kg 40 years later. But that's my limit, it's a bit of a daily fight to not exceed it.

  6. Hi ! Sorry I've been reading your blog for quite some time but never actually posting ^^' I'm also growing my hair (waist lenght so far) and finding yours amazing !
    My 50 cent would be that, as a lazy person like me, you can try the online yoga thing ! I'm trying the Yoogaia website which is pretty nice so far. Youtube is also good (and free) !
    Cheer up, you still look awesome ;)
