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Wednesday, 13 April 2016


Did I remember to trim last month at all?
I really need to write these things down.... Hmm.
Hubby took off 3-4 cm according to the plan and I put the trimmings out in the kitchen window for the birds. They're probably nesting already judging from how huffed up on hormones and spring they are at the moment! 
I feel rejected though: Usually they love Hubby's blonde hair, but they had no interest in mine. Little jerks!


  1. My Golden Retriever has typically super thick hair and sheds by the handful. I just brush him outdoors, let the birds do the cleanup. They seem to like his leftovers LOL I have found some luxuriously lined nests.

    1. Awww so cute :) Bet those little babies have been warm and comfy <3

  2. I remember watching birds fly down and take tufts of hair from a pony that had yet to shed out. The kids came up to me and asked if they could take her from the field and shed her out and I said sure, and after they told me why I wasn't sure if they were telling the truth, but I did indeed witness is with my own eyes. Poor pony! Hahahaha. But dang! It looked like they shed out a wooly mammoth--the amount of hair that came off that pony! I think those birds had a nest that was year round insulated!

    1. That's so sweet and considerate of the kids :)
      One of the girls in my old stable once had to go "save" her horse in the field from a very persistent magpie! Poor horse was freaking out over the constant dive bombings!

  3. That's funny, in my country some people believe that you should NOT throw out your shedded or cutted hair exactly because birds will took it for their nests, and you will have headaches. I don't believe in this, though, but I never knew that somebody generously offers their hair for birds purposely :D

    1. I think I've heard this superstition for a lot of different countries actually? Those kind of beliefs interest me :) I always wonder where they came from... Sometimes I think it's just something random that a child blurted out and the entire village nodded and went "It is known" (GoT reference) and then it spread like crazy XD
