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Thursday, 12 May 2016

Throwback Thursday

Such fat and short braids!
I miss being able to tie my hair off with "regular" elastics instead of those miniature silicone-ones...


  1. Do you miss having shorter hair? Was there an 'ideal' length you loved? I'm the same---my ends are much thinner and I'm nowhere near your length. My terminal length is much shorter---I don't think I could ever have gotten to knee length---I think upper thigh was my longest and I didn't stay there long. I was also in my teens ;)

    1. Short answer: No.
      Longer answer: Well, you did ask if I "missed" shorter hair and no, I didn't. But I do recognize that some of the very short lengths were really cute on me. The ½-2 cm range looked really adorable and elfish on me. But holy cow, SO damn boring! There is literally nothing you can really do with it at such short lengths.
      The ideal length for me was definitely fingertip length: Long enough to do lots of fun updos with and still long.
      That's interesting... Do you find that your terminal length has gone a lot shorter with age?

    2. I totally agree. I never found short do's all It was limiting. For me, yes---as we age, the terminal length shortens because of the gray hair and it's texture etc. I, however, cut my hair from upper thigh to waist in my teens when I began to ride more seriously. It was horridly hot as humid weather was a real problem and it was just too much for me. The five inch cut was also to even up my hair from a very deep V to a blunt hemline, which I much preferred. But, I'm almost past my tailbone now and I do notice a HUGE difference in my terminal length. I did have a lot of shedding in 2012 which affected my hemline, and that's thickened but still has a ways to go. I still may trim back to tailbone/waist---will see how hot the summer is.

      I think you did the most amazing thing by shaving your head. You got to experience ALL lengths of hair and found the one that worked the best for you. :)

  2. Oh my, you look SO MUCH BETTER with short hair! Younger, healthier!
    Plus, your hair on this pic is one color all over, and not that weird brassy orange ends you have now.

    1. Well thats a really rude comment. Först off, obviously she looked Younger- she was younger. The whole point of throwback is that the picture is at least 5 years old. Secondly, having the same hair colour all over is YOUR preference, not an objective measure of beauty. Third, that ends are "weird brassy orange" is a) not true (I have seen them irl) and b) again, YOUR opinion. Overall this was just a nasty, nasty thing to post. What on earth did you hope to achieve if it wasn't to make igor feel bad about how she looks?

    2. Gosh, Anon sure showed me there, didn't she? Of course looking younger had nothing to do with the fact that I'm 10-11 years younger in the picture, right? And I sure should colour my hair, right? Can't have that weird brassy orange colour that is my natural hair colour. Yuck. Natural is nasty.
      I really do hope Anon feels better about herself. She seems to desperately need it. Maybe she can do something more to make herself feel better? I'm sure there are likes that needs to me pressed for "fuck cancer" and mean comments that needs to be placed on youtube. That will show them all!

    3. Hmm. "Rock"? Sorry, but that really doesn't ring a bell with me. From your "ö", I guess you're one of the Swedish longhairs? :) Did we meet in Göteborg?

    4. Don't get your panties all in a bunch! She ( or he ) just said what many of us think! That brassy, orange hair is just oxidized hair - very old and IMO should be cut off.
      I thought I've learned to deal with criticism - you post, you put yourself out there - so toughen up! Or don't do it.
      No one said it would be easy!
      BTW, can you please get a decent camera and stop taking pics with a fucking calculator? It's 2016 for crying out loud! That would be appreciated!

    5. * you've
      Have a good one! :)

    6. Wow. If you don't like the color shift of natural hair, then don't follow this blog. Simple solution to your knickers in a knot Anon ;)

      Igor is sharing her life with a natural hair routine. She chooses the right method for her hair type and that's her choice--and I enjoy reading her experienments, and techniques.

      Telling someone to cut their hair is rude. She could have streaked hair for all she wants: It's her hair.

    7. Wow. If you don't like the color shift of natural hair, then don't follow this blog. Simple solution to your knickers in a knot Anon ;)

      Igor is sharing her life with a natural hair routine. She chooses the right method for her hair type and that's her choice--and I enjoy reading her experienments, and techniques.

      Telling someone to cut their hair is rude. She could have streaked hair for all she wants: It's her hair.

    8. I think it's hilarious how many sad, pathetic people with nothing better to do with their lives will follow something they supposedly hate...
      And then complain "Get a better camera!" but wait a second, wasn't my hair hideous, ugly, oxidized, orange, probably smells bad etc? Why would you even want to see that?
      Whatever :)

    9. It's seriously internet-Bingo to argue "Learn to take criticism!".
      I can take criticism just fine, sorry :)
      Your "criticism" is ridiculous and flawed. I get told I look younger in a 10-11 years younger picture? Shocker. My hair gets blamed for it. Makes no sense. Don't follow a blog about hair if you don't like the hair. Why would you even complain about the picture quality when you dislike the pictures?
      My hair is old? Uh, yes. Yes it is. It is oxidized? Uh, yes. Yes it is. That is what happens when it is old.
      But yea, you're right. I should take your totally justified "criticism". Not.

  3. Well your thickness is always each braid is typical circumference of the usual single on others.

    As for the length, I'd quote the legendary Mae West...too much of a good wonderful.

    Rock on Lady Igor.

    1. Haha :) That's a great quote. I may just have to borrow it :)
