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Tuesday, 28 June 2016

N.E.E.T-time ahead

I just finished the latest project and I quit job #2. I quit job #1 a while back.

So that officially makes me “Not in Education, Employment or Training”.
Crazy. I honestly can't remember what it's like to not have one or more projects hanging over your head. 

Now what?

Well, first I'm going to enjoy my freedom. 
Hubby is booked for work this summer (To my protest!) so he will be working nights, which in itself complicates any sort of routine for us. Also, him working efficiently blocks any idea of travelling I had. Hmpf.
So I'm just going to play N.E.E.T and housewife this summer.

Full hikikomori this summer?


  1. Enjoy fully! (and watch your hair grow ;-) )

  2. You've been working 2 jobs??? EEKS! I think you're entitled to a break. I'm not sure of what you do, but you seemed to have been very busy. We all need some time to our hair grow ;)
