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Saturday, 12 January 2019

Ridiculous longhair problem

I bought 3 onesies at Black Friday last year and I love them!
This one, one that has since sold out but is the blue version of this green one, and the one in the picture which is this one.
I had caught on to that it said "2 way zipper goes all way around the hood" on the model descriptions, but it still turned out to be a pain in the ass. Maybe if you wear your hair loose it's not a problem, but for me it gets stuck a lot.
It kind of defeats the purpose of "Bumming around at home" if I have to put my hair up.
But I still love them! Next time I will purposely look for models without the full length zipper.


  1. I LOVE IT!! But I can understand the frustration of the full zip---which sort of makes no sense because who would want to zip themselves up fully into a onesie? :D

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