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Saturday, 1 February 2020

29 different updos in February challenge: Day 1

First day of the 29 updos in February-challenge and I'm starting with the Chinese bun since it's weekend and the updo isn't braid based.

This is a very easy and comfortable updo, but it tends to slip out of rotation for me since I "need" to do it on freshly washed hair in the morning and then braid it for sleeping in the evening. And 'm lazy when it comes to my hair.


  1. I've always like the Chinese Bun, it looks great, isn't complicated and works well for showing off length. The blue of the hairstick looks really nice against your hair color!
    But like you, I only was able to do it on fresh hair and it needs to be slightly damp on me, otherwise it slides right off. It worked better with braided hair, but you would probably still need to rebraid in the evening. At least I was never able to sleep on a ponytail.

    1. Yes! Why is that? I have seen people who claimed they did theirs on dry hair, but for me... Nope. But then again, same with sleeping in a ponytail. Just can't do it. I wonder why there is such a big difference in what we like or can do some times... Hair is hair and scalp is scalp, right?
