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Saturday, 2 May 2020

Look what my dad made for me! Part III

There are still issues with bringing mr Igor, who is Swedish, into my home country, which is Denmark. So I went on my own for a family birthday.
But it feels like it's my own birthday, because look at my dads awesome work!
I brought one of my favourite hair sticks based on its shape so we had something to compare to.


  1. Can't wait for an action pic! Your dad makes seriously beautiful things

    1. Dad still has to smooth them down a bit, but they are so cool already! I'm super happy with them!

  2. Obviously a man of many talents!
    I'm loving the blog lately, you seem inspired and happy.
    Keep up the great work Lady Igor! ♥

    1. Honestly I've been letting the blog distract me from schoolwork lately >__< I'm feeling burned out from the stupid science theory (Barf) and it's so much easier to "be busy" with the blog. Sigh.
