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Friday, 25 December 2020

December 25th

Merry Christmas to everyone!

I just have to show you what mr Igor gave me yesterday...

And yes, mr Igor does in fact think he is hilarious. Me, I have no idea why I still allow him to live.


  1. Honored to be a follower for oh these many years! May you & Mr Igor be safe and well and have a splendid year in 2021!

    1. Thank you :) And a cheers to that next year gets better for everyone!

  2. Hahah, tell Mr Igor he did a good job there! :D
    To me, you kind of *are* internet famous - I've been following your for forever, I think even before you had your blog, just on forums...

    Anyways, I hope you and hubby had nice holidays and you're all save and healthy.

    1. I usually show him the comment if someone mentions him, but in this case I don't want you to encourage him XD He already thinks he is way funnier than he is!
      Gosh, that's a long time ago... Sometimes I can barely remember life before having this blog, but then again it has been a big part of my life for a long time
