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Thursday, 18 March 2021

Adventures in the perfect hair diet

About two weeks ago I tried to write something about the perfect hair diet. It was really difficult! 
Human nutrition in itself is really complicated, and I have never really studied it. 
I had the required level of chemistry and high level biology in Gymnasiet but there were little focus on this. So I really feel like I lack some background knowledge on this. And now when I try to read up on it, I just feel confused at how complicated it all is.

Anyways. As I tried to compile a list of food sources for the amino acids, I was struck by how many times egg whites were mentioned. And sea weed. And cheese (Maybe that's why cheese is such a running joke in the longhair circuit?) 

I then remembered that I had a bag of seaweed I bought ages ago because it claimed to taste like bacon. So I thought "Hey, why not try to put some perfect hair food together?

I decided to try to make egg white muffins with sea weed, bacon, spinach and parmesan. That should almost cover all the amino acids from the attempted list I made. Which is pretty cool!

I knew sea weed was a "super food" that should be especially good for minerals, so it was as surprise for me that it would be good for amino acids too. I mean, it's not that high on protein content, but if all the protein it has is from essential amino acids, that's good!
This kind of seaweed was supposed to taste like bacon, which is why I bought it.
It didn't look too appetizing though!
And it just smelled really old and dusty. Like, not unpleasant, just really dusty.

It didn't get any better once I chopped it up and mixed it with defrosted spinach, parmesan and a little bit of leftover shredded cheese. 

Mixing in egg whites and fried bacon only made the whole thing look comically disgusting!

I used 250 grams of bacon, 85 grams of parmesan, 40 grams of the leftover shredded cheese, 200 grams of spinach, 25 grams of the bacon seaweed and 500 grams of egg white.

Mr Igor took one look at this and went "Yea, you're on your own". He usually loves my cooking so I felt a little insulted. Only a little though, since it does looks like chunky toxic sludge. 

Once cooked, it was pretty good though!
The bacon taste was really, really strong from regular bacon and the bacon sea weed. Next time, I would make it with less of the strange seaweed, or maybe less regular bacon. 
I had lots of sauces ready in case I needed to dampen some weird taste, but it was good enough that I will try to make it again.

If we calculate that half the fat content of the bacon is melted off and drained (I think it was more, but let's keep it simple) each of the "muffins" lands at 155 calories and 16 grams of protein.
That's really good! When I try to cook high protein, low calorie foods, a 1:10 ratio of protein to calories is considered good.

This was tasty, easy and probably covers most of the amino acids I need. I could see myself make this again! It still looks nasty though.


  1. It doesn't look gross at all! That's what all omelettes or egg mixtures look like when you add a bunch of stuff, I think. :)
