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Thursday, 1 April 2021

Blogging from A to Z challenge: A is for April fools

#AtoZChallenge 2021 April Blogging from A to Z Challenge letter A

When you are known for having long hair, it can be hilarious to prank people into thinking you cut your hair. It can also be a lot of fun to play pretend for just one day, even though packing your hair up under a wig cap can be a lot of trouble.

If I were to actually cut my hair short, I would do something like this with it: 

It can show some unfortunate truths about the people around you though. For instance when the person who kept bugging you about your "uncool hair" responds in horror because "You cut your pretty, long hair! Oh noes!" Well, then you know you're dealing with someone who just wants something, anything to nag you about and your "uncool hair" wasn't a genuine criticism but just the first, best thing they could find to pick on.

For the less drastic April fool's, just some fake, colourful hair or fake bangs can be fun too!

On a more serious serious note, I really recommend anyone with long hair to have a wig piece or some fake bangs for those times where you want to try something new with your hair but aren't sure if you want to commit.
Occasionally I consider cutting bangs, but after just a few hours with the fake bangs, I'm over it.
It's funny: When getting fake bangs, you don't only need to consider the colour, but also the texture of the hair. For a lot of the fake bang pieces I've tried, the texture is simply too fine to blend in with the rest of my hair. 


  1. I think the fake bangs suit you really well, especially with those shorter face-framing pieces.
    But yeah, bangs can be a troublesome commitment. I cut bangs a few years ago (got obsessed with those Korean see-through bangs), but the stylist thankfully cut them a bit thicker and less wispy, which definitely looks better. But coarser hair needs more styling and I have to blow-dry the bangs into submission each morning, otherwise it either hangs down very limp of goes into one of those 90s boy band middle part styles. Which wasn't a good look then and isn't a good look now!

  2. Honestly you look pretty amazing with the blonde chop cut. So if you ever do cut, I promise to only cry for a week...😁
