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Monday, 31 May 2021

So... Now what?

Now that I'm done with school (For now. I could see myself returning at a later point) I find myself at this mildly weird point. For so long I have run the blog more or less on auto pilot because I haven't had the energy to get really creative. But now I have all this time freed up.

...At least for a few months, since by the time this post goes up I'm in the middle of a job interview for a job that I'm slightly overqualified for degree-wise, but will land me at more of a boss role than I've ever done before and I'm slightly underqualified for (lol) And since I'm not sure I'm mentally prepared to leave my current job, I will see if I can do both with current job maybe at part time.

So... Now what?

I have a bunch of notes and saved up pictures for inspiration I would like to work though. Some of them are embarrassingly old and have been stuck in my "inspo"-folder for ages.

I'd like to make a few more videos: I was thinking of a "Professional updos for the superbusy superlonghair", I would like to make a few more basic updo videos for superlong hair and I would really, really like to make a hair edition of Stella Jang's Colors song (Which would take a crazy amount of planning, time and effort, but would be super cool!) 

And I could see myself having some sort of "Summer of love" plan, since I haven't made a real, conscious and planned effort for my hair health for ages. 

But... What else?

And yep, that's what I'm asking you guys: Now what? 

What do you like to see, what do you like to read or watch? What can I do that the other longhairs in the longhair circuit doesn't do?