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Thursday, 3 June 2021


So... I got the job.

Pay negotiations are done, benefits negotiations are done.
But I have some drama from my current job, since they don't want me to go.

Right now I'm at a weird point where new work is willing to let me get away with 32 hours/week (4 workdays) even though they asked for 37, and old/current work is willing to let me go down to 24 hours/week (2 workdays) just so both places can keep me. It's weird to be so wanted.

I'm honestly thinking of saying yes to that offer.

Old/current job has the best pay (by far) and a workload that is really easy. 
New job has the awesome title that will look showy on my CV, and it will be a fun challenge to fill the position.

Old/current job has the worst administration I have ever experienced. Seriously.
New job is located on the "wrong" side of main Copenhagen, so I will want to move closer as soon as possible (We have talked about this for years, so it's not really something new as such)

What would you guys do?

Monday, 31 May 2021

So... Now what?

Now that I'm done with school (For now. I could see myself returning at a later point) I find myself at this mildly weird point. For so long I have run the blog more or less on auto pilot because I haven't had the energy to get really creative. But now I have all this time freed up.

...At least for a few months, since by the time this post goes up I'm in the middle of a job interview for a job that I'm slightly overqualified for degree-wise, but will land me at more of a boss role than I've ever done before and I'm slightly underqualified for (lol) And since I'm not sure I'm mentally prepared to leave my current job, I will see if I can do both with current job maybe at part time.

So... Now what?

I have a bunch of notes and saved up pictures for inspiration I would like to work though. Some of them are embarrassingly old and have been stuck in my "inspo"-folder for ages.

I'd like to make a few more videos: I was thinking of a "Professional updos for the superbusy superlonghair", I would like to make a few more basic updo videos for superlong hair and I would really, really like to make a hair edition of Stella Jang's Colors song (Which would take a crazy amount of planning, time and effort, but would be super cool!) 

And I could see myself having some sort of "Summer of love" plan, since I haven't made a real, conscious and planned effort for my hair health for ages. 

But... What else?

And yep, that's what I'm asking you guys: Now what? 

What do you like to see, what do you like to read or watch? What can I do that the other longhairs in the longhair circuit doesn't do?