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Monday, 6 July 2015

Length shots

13½ years and I think I’m approaching terminal. Doesn’t seem like I got a lot of growth since my last length-shot. Hmm?

Ends allowed to fluff up like they wanted. That’s what I get for drying it in front of a fan!

Ends gathered up to see the length better.

Bit of wind.

More direct sunlight. I like the colour!


  1. Knee length with good volume to the ends, fabulous color, awesome quality....I'd say it's just about perfect. If you ever feel the need to trim, you can have essentially perfect volume beyond hip. Thanks for sharing, your fans applaud loudly. ♥

  2. This is fascinating. The ends are obviously thinner than the top--so is terminal when you stop growing or when it becomes thinner at the bottom? Regardless, your hair still looks lovely :)

    1. Well, terminal is when it stops growing, but it usually makes the ends a lot thinner. It seems like those who have reached true, actual, confirmed terminal (Where is haven’t gained length for years) length has some seriously thin ends with just a few hairs at the absolute maximum length.
      I did some math on it once, and if you have reached true terminal, you should have less than 50 hairs at maximum length at any time. If I remember correctly, that is! Not all hairs can even grow to a “real” terminal, such as the short pieces around the hairline. Those that do grow to a true terminal, only stay there for some weeks before they shed and the follicle returns to a resting-phase.

  3. Igor, great length shots!! I think that your hair is beautiful, do you want to grow more in case you didm't reach terminal length?

    1. Thank you!
      I’m going to let it grow for a while, just see what happens. I don’t think I’m entirely close to terminal… Maybe I’ll have 1-2 years of growing in it still.

  4. Hey igor ive missed ya blogs an what not but thx for coming back

  5. Igor,

    You have beautiful very long hair and hair growth too. May be in 2 years, you will not far from ankle hair long.
