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Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Never fails.

Whenever I have Hubby take my photos I always end up having the same conversation with him:
“Don’t take any pictures yet!”
“Seriously. I'm not ready yet.”
“Are you taking pictures??”
“I don’t believe you. Just don’t take any pictures yet!”
“Just don’t take any pictures until I’m ready, okay?”
And then when I get the pictures on my computer, there is always a bunch of “extra” ones on it. Usually a mix of “artsy” ones (Close-ups of my boobs) and ones where I’m still messing around with my hair.

I found 3 that I liked though: 



  1. Tell DH he did an excellent job and thanks for some wonderful pics!

    1. Thank you both :) Gotta love having someone who will take pictures for me. So boring with the same old over-the-shoulder-in-the-mirror ones!

  2. Hahaha--I"m sorry, I"m laughing because I would expect Hubby to take the boob close ups ;) I like these artsy ones too! He did a good job :)

    1. I’ll tell him that ;) He will appreciate it! (Strangely, I cant be too upset that my Hubby worships me… Funny how that works ;) Haha)

    2. Haha--if he's anything like me, I tend to take lots of photos just to get a feel of the camera, the zoom etc. (lighting). :) But no, I draw the line at boob close ups ;)
