The upload
issue has cost me more time and energy than expected.
Step 1:
Chose a new upload site.
After much
research, I chose a place called Shutterfly. It had great reviews. Free, no
upload limit and no size limit. Seemed perfect.
Step 2:
Renaming pictures.
When I first started taking hair pictures and
uploading them, I didn’t always know what styles would “stick”.For instance
when I first saw a Celtic knot I thought it would be my most favourite style
But since
it only looks like a slightly lumpy Chinese bun when I do them, that didn’t happen.
I had a lot of braided Nautili buns stuck under “Updo xxxx” since I didn’t think
that one bun would become my go-to.
In general,
most of my pictures needed an extra “0”
in the file name to keep them ordered or some renaming that made more sense.
Step 3:
Sort in categories for easy upload.
Makes it
easier when I have to find pictures again too.
Step 4:
Upload everything to new site.
Phew, good
thing I didn’t have to upload them one at the time!
Step 5: Insert
new picture address in old broken images.
I decided
to start with a brand new picture and take a length shot.
…Only to
discover that Shutterfly doesn’t allow you to link a picture as easily as I
expected. At least not in full size. And what’s the [bleep]ing point then? Sure
I can make albums and invite people to see them, but why can’t I just stick my
full sized picture in a simple [IMG]?
you, Fluttershy. [Bleep] you, [Bleep] you, [Bleep] you!
Here are the largest pictures [bleep]ing Fluttershy allowed me to post.
(Including the weird white BS on the sides taking up room)
I think I’m
actually getting close to terminal length. My growth appears to stall and the
ends are getting pretty thin.
Oh well,
another thing to take a look at when I have more time.