Thursday 24 June 2021

Will probably take a little break

So for the last... dunno, to be honest, many years I have blogged at least every three days. 

Now I need to adjust that a little. I'm no longer studying and I'm no longer working from home, so I don't have the same time and access to a personal computer anymore.

Instead I have a workload of totally 56 hours/week, and *drumroll* we are moving!

We just signed the papers today and hope we can move in soon. Within two weeks with a little luck.

The hair is still there, being long. It's just me that will probably be pretty occupied mentally with the new apartment and the new job for a while.

Funnily, this is my 1500th post on my blog! 

Monday 21 June 2021

Today's hair

The sunlight really highlighted the fuzz! Royal bun on two five-stranded braids. 

Sunday 20 June 2021

Today's hair

Day two of the five-stranded braids and the fuzzies are beginning to show...

Challah bun made out of two braids.

Saturday 19 June 2021

Friday 18 June 2021

Today's hair

Heh, I did two vertically stacked five-stranded braids and thought they looked really awesome. So I wanted to take one of those instagrammable, cool pictures of it, only to have the light conditions refusing to cooperate. Oh well.

I got his cool shot instead:

I really do love the structure of the five-stranded braid!

Tuesday 15 June 2021

Throwback Tuesday

Throwback Thursday Tuesday: "A blast from the past"

I loved this style so very much when my hair was short. For a while, between my hair reached flip length/shoulder length and until it reached below bra strap length, this was my only real option for properly putting my hair up.

The style is so very simple:
  1. Make a ponytail and secure it with elastics
  2. Then pull the end of a scarf through the elastic
  3. Wrap the main part of the scarf around the ponytail to cover it
  4. Wrap the scarf+hair around like making a regular cinnamon bun
  5.  Then tie the two ends of the scarf together to hold it up

I tried this style again today and fully expected it to slip, but it actually held well!
It must depend on how much friction the scarf offers, because a regular, unbraided cinnamon bun would slip like crazy for me. 
This is still a wonderful style, but for different reasons than it used to be. Now it's a good sun protecting style for the length instead of a way to force my short hair up in an updo.

Saturday 12 June 2021

Okay, this is embarrassing...

I just found something I had completely forgotten about in my pile o' mess/totally-on-my-to-do-list-to-work-through-definitely-totally-pile... 

Back in September 2020 I asked on my instagram if I should buy this wig:

The answer was yes, so I bought it, received it, put it in the totally-on-my-to-do-list-to-work-through-definitely-totally-pile, and then completely forgot about it.

It's a synthetic fibres wig that actually matches my own hair texture very, very well. Completely opposite of all human hair pieces I've ever felt, which have had completely different textures from my own. It has some waves to it, maybe? From the pictures it looks like the waves are mostly at the ends and it might be pretty straight if I cut it shorter...

I vaguely remember looking up some wig tutorials and deciding there were too much of them for my energy level at the time, so maybe I should try to take a look at it again now.

Does anyone have links to good and simple tutorials for how to style your wig? And how to hide a whole bunch of hair under it?

Wednesday 9 June 2021

Mr Igor harassing my hair

For a few seconds I thought mr Igor was being cute and playing with my braid, but nope, he was doing the giddy-up with it and filming it like a weirdo. I couldn't help but laugh after, so I wanted to share.

(Video is hidden so it should only be found through my blog)

Sunday 6 June 2021

The Hammerum girl hair

I was working through some of the stuff in my "Hair inspo" folder since I was planning to go through some of the pictures I've saved. Quite a few of them are historical updos, and one of them was a picture of the Hammerun girls hair.
The Hammerun girl was a late Roman iron age bog body found in Denmark in 1993.
The drawing I saved of her hair, looked pretty cool and definitely doable. 
But as I was googling for more information, I just found myself getting more and more confused. 

This was the drawing I originally saved:

Headband braid placed very far forward, maybe Dutch? And a braided, low bun. 
I feel this has very much a classic Greek statue-look to it.

But it also reminded me of something, namely the one in the middle of the picture here:

However, after checking the text in another picture, this is not the same updo. This one is the woman from Lønne hede (Can't find a non-Danish source, sorry) another bog body. But, the two bog bodies are from around the same time period and something similar has been depicted on other finds, so I guess this style was in fashion around there. The other bog body is more famous for her vibrantly blue dress btw.

The Hammerun girls hair looked like this in the grave:

Text says, left to right:
Braid under smooth forehead hair
Small braids by the ear

And it has been reconstructed as this:

Which doesn't exactly match up to the above description. 

But it has also been reconstructed as this:

...Which also doesn't entirely match up to the description?

So I guess the best reconstruction is something along a headband-braid where you feed loose hair in through the headband, and then put it up in some sort of bun?
Maybe this could be turned into something more wearable and less time consuming to style. Hmm...

Thursday 3 June 2021


So... I got the job.

Pay negotiations are done, benefits negotiations are done.
But I have some drama from my current job, since they don't want me to go.

Right now I'm at a weird point where new work is willing to let me get away with 32 hours/week (4 workdays) even though they asked for 37, and old/current work is willing to let me go down to 24 hours/week (2 workdays) just so both places can keep me. It's weird to be so wanted.

I'm honestly thinking of saying yes to that offer.

Old/current job has the best pay (by far) and a workload that is really easy. 
New job has the awesome title that will look showy on my CV, and it will be a fun challenge to fill the position.

Old/current job has the worst administration I have ever experienced. Seriously.
New job is located on the "wrong" side of main Copenhagen, so I will want to move closer as soon as possible (We have talked about this for years, so it's not really something new as such)

What would you guys do?